MUSICAL PRODUCER and MUSICIAN: Tom Hirst is a multi instrumentalist and maths genius based in London. A master of splodgey grooves and lazy, deranged disco beats he is the main RMA collaborator and sole practitioner of electronic synth-pop music project Design A Wave.
FRESH EYES: Dean Rodney Jr. is the highly original lyric writer, songsmith and sauve front man of the band The Fish Police. Converting and captivating every audience lucky enough to come across them, Fish Police formed at Heart n Soul - a vibrant creative arts charity who provide opportunities and support for talented people with learning disabilities.
POST-IT: Onyeka Igwe is an artist/filmmaker, roller derby skater and researcher. Exuding confidence and style she uses dance, voice, archive and text to explore themes of physical body and geographical place as sites of cultural and political meaning.
THE PROTAGONIST: Eothen Stearn is an enigmatic Feminist Queer artist who shape shifts between performance, sound, sculpture and costume. Exploring memory, emotions and modalities of speech they live and work in Glasgow and sing in the Rotterdam based band Difficult.
THE OPERA SINGER: Siobhan Mooney is a London based Mezzo Soprano singer with a rich and sumptuous voice. Creative and adaptable, she has performed and collaborated with numerous opera companies for over a decade including The Grange Park Opera, Pilmico Opera and performance artists Dickie Beau and Lisa Lee.
THE PROFESSIONAL: Dan Mitchell enfant terrible of the art world, Dan is a political, critical and essential artist living and working in London. His works are high gloss collages of text and images dredged up from the deepest darkest depths of the internet. Dan is a founding member of Poster Studio (1994 - 1997), publisher of Hard Mag and instigator of ASP (The Artist Self Publishers Fare)
THE TINY COWBOY and MUSICIAN: Ben Wallers. Cult hero and sometimes biro scrawled commando sometimes cowboy, Ben is a musician and performer notorious for his satirical and dark comical lyrics. With a deep south - pop tastic - country guitar style Ben has been releasing music under various guises since 1995 including Country Teasers and ‘THE REBEL’, who have released 31 albums
THE GAME SHOW HOST: Scott Bradbury is the mesmerising and kinetic frontman of the London post punk band Chips for the Poor. A master of pazzaz and sometimes frighteningly funny. Scott is a trained actor playing the part in the opera of sleaze master extraordinaire Nicholas Trousersdown (A role that was made for him).
THE BARRISTER AND THE BARISTA and MUSICIAN: Victor Jakeman is a musician, performer and member of Claw Marks, Insecure Men and Whitby Bay. A master of sarcasm and probably secretly a witch, Victor is so talented he can learn and memorise all his music parts 100,0000 x faster than anyone else and still not be annoying.
SPLIT ENDS: Ramona Christine Harron lives and works in Glasgow and has been attending Adelaides Nursery since 2017. Notable achievements to date include raising £35.16 for Childrens In Need for wearing her pajamas all day, eating corn on the cob for 6 months and speaking the words, dog, door, that, me, tea, fire, mama, dada, fish and cat.
MUSICIAN/DRUMS: Patrick Moran (Victors collaborator in black metal band Whitby Bay) plays drums at a million miles an hour and sings like the possessed child of your worst nightmares. A charming young man IRL he is also a talented graphic artist and publishes the amazing and elaborate metal fanzine/bible Buried.
MUSICIAN/DRUMS: Kathryn Gray is a musician from Leeds. Thriving on playing the most complex and and brain scrambling hypnotic drum beats and cool scratchy guitar riffs Kathy makes music as Mia La Metta, Empress Maude. She also plays in the bands Sherbert Tripod and Beards and is a member of the Lumen Audio Visual Collective.
VISUALS - 3D ANIMATOR: Adam Sinclair. Turning anything you can imagine into cyber reality in an instant, Adam is a frighteningly talented 3D animation artist. He has previously made works for Ed Atkins and Tai Shani.
VISUALS - VIDEO EDITOR: Jack Barraclough is a film director, editor and animator. Jack has made music videos for bands including Sacred Paws, Franz Ferdinand and directed the Goblin Town music video for Ravioli Me Away. A long term RMA collaborator, Jack will have to start hiding behind bushes when he sees Rosie, Sian or Alice in the street for fear of being kidnapped and sold into Ravioli slavery.
VISUAL: LOGO DESIGNER: Stefan Sadler is designer and cartoonist who has previously drawn Ravioli Me Aways doublegangers band, The Dean TV girls as a comic strip and runs Famicon Express with his big brother Leon Sadler.
PRODUCTION MANAGER: Aymie Backler is RMA band therapist, hippy angel, ego massuese and general bum kicker. A pro Production Manager specialising in performance and durational art works, she has worked with Siobhan Davies, Katie Paterson and John Cale.
SOUND ENGINEER: Charlotte Poulet is a sound technician, sound artist and performer who has worked with bands including Wire, Suicide, The Liars, Throbbing Gristle, The Pop Group and currently with industrial pioneers Test Department. Specialising in sound ESP Charlotte can make a pin drop sound like an elephant having an orgasm.
STAGE MANAGER and LIGHTING: Liam Cahill often mixed up for Led Zeplins roadie
FRESH EYES: Dean Rodney Jr. is the highly original lyric writer, songsmith and sauve front man of the band The Fish Police. Converting and captivating every audience lucky enough to come across them, Fish Police formed at Heart n Soul - a vibrant creative arts charity who provide opportunities and support for talented people with learning disabilities.
POST-IT: Onyeka Igwe is an artist/filmmaker, roller derby skater and researcher. Exuding confidence and style she uses dance, voice, archive and text to explore themes of physical body and geographical place as sites of cultural and political meaning.
THE PROTAGONIST: Eothen Stearn is an enigmatic Feminist Queer artist who shape shifts between performance, sound, sculpture and costume. Exploring memory, emotions and modalities of speech they live and work in Glasgow and sing in the Rotterdam based band Difficult.
THE OPERA SINGER: Siobhan Mooney is a London based Mezzo Soprano singer with a rich and sumptuous voice. Creative and adaptable, she has performed and collaborated with numerous opera companies for over a decade including The Grange Park Opera, Pilmico Opera and performance artists Dickie Beau and Lisa Lee.
THE PROFESSIONAL: Dan Mitchell enfant terrible of the art world, Dan is a political, critical and essential artist living and working in London. His works are high gloss collages of text and images dredged up from the deepest darkest depths of the internet. Dan is a founding member of Poster Studio (1994 - 1997), publisher of Hard Mag and instigator of ASP (The Artist Self Publishers Fare)
THE TINY COWBOY and MUSICIAN: Ben Wallers. Cult hero and sometimes biro scrawled commando sometimes cowboy, Ben is a musician and performer notorious for his satirical and dark comical lyrics. With a deep south - pop tastic - country guitar style Ben has been releasing music under various guises since 1995 including Country Teasers and ‘THE REBEL’, who have released 31 albums
THE GAME SHOW HOST: Scott Bradbury is the mesmerising and kinetic frontman of the London post punk band Chips for the Poor. A master of pazzaz and sometimes frighteningly funny. Scott is a trained actor playing the part in the opera of sleaze master extraordinaire Nicholas Trousersdown (A role that was made for him).
THE BARRISTER AND THE BARISTA and MUSICIAN: Victor Jakeman is a musician, performer and member of Claw Marks, Insecure Men and Whitby Bay. A master of sarcasm and probably secretly a witch, Victor is so talented he can learn and memorise all his music parts 100,0000 x faster than anyone else and still not be annoying.
SPLIT ENDS: Ramona Christine Harron lives and works in Glasgow and has been attending Adelaides Nursery since 2017. Notable achievements to date include raising £35.16 for Childrens In Need for wearing her pajamas all day, eating corn on the cob for 6 months and speaking the words, dog, door, that, me, tea, fire, mama, dada, fish and cat.
MUSICIAN/DRUMS: Patrick Moran (Victors collaborator in black metal band Whitby Bay) plays drums at a million miles an hour and sings like the possessed child of your worst nightmares. A charming young man IRL he is also a talented graphic artist and publishes the amazing and elaborate metal fanzine/bible Buried.
MUSICIAN/DRUMS: Kathryn Gray is a musician from Leeds. Thriving on playing the most complex and and brain scrambling hypnotic drum beats and cool scratchy guitar riffs Kathy makes music as Mia La Metta, Empress Maude. She also plays in the bands Sherbert Tripod and Beards and is a member of the Lumen Audio Visual Collective.
VISUALS - 3D ANIMATOR: Adam Sinclair. Turning anything you can imagine into cyber reality in an instant, Adam is a frighteningly talented 3D animation artist. He has previously made works for Ed Atkins and Tai Shani.
VISUALS - VIDEO EDITOR: Jack Barraclough is a film director, editor and animator. Jack has made music videos for bands including Sacred Paws, Franz Ferdinand and directed the Goblin Town music video for Ravioli Me Away. A long term RMA collaborator, Jack will have to start hiding behind bushes when he sees Rosie, Sian or Alice in the street for fear of being kidnapped and sold into Ravioli slavery.
VISUAL: LOGO DESIGNER: Stefan Sadler is designer and cartoonist who has previously drawn Ravioli Me Aways doublegangers band, The Dean TV girls as a comic strip and runs Famicon Express with his big brother Leon Sadler.
PRODUCTION MANAGER: Aymie Backler is RMA band therapist, hippy angel, ego massuese and general bum kicker. A pro Production Manager specialising in performance and durational art works, she has worked with Siobhan Davies, Katie Paterson and John Cale.
SOUND ENGINEER: Charlotte Poulet is a sound technician, sound artist and performer who has worked with bands including Wire, Suicide, The Liars, Throbbing Gristle, The Pop Group and currently with industrial pioneers Test Department. Specialising in sound ESP Charlotte can make a pin drop sound like an elephant having an orgasm.
STAGE MANAGER and LIGHTING: Liam Cahill often mixed up for Led Zeplins roadie